Many people understand that communal areas, such as schools, offices, and hospitals can be a breeding ground for all kinds of germs. Coming into contact with these germs can result in illness and a loss of productivity from employees. Generally, the focus is firmly placed on correctly maintained air conditioning equipment, good cleaning practices and water treatment to keep the space healthy. Whilst all this is very helpful, there are other problems that can cause a spread of germs. One of these is the humble breakroom or cafeteria, where shared resources can be harmful.
Reaching for a Coffee Mug?
Many of us begin our work day with a visit to the break room to get some coffee to kick start our day. This could be setting you up for a future sick day according to new research from the University of Arizona. Scientists found that 20% of the typical work coffee mugs tested were contaminated with fecal bacteria. Almost 90% were also covered in a variety of other germs and viruses as well.
How Does this Happen?
Most break rooms don’t have a dishwasher, so many people wash out their mugs using a sponge at the sink. The sponge is used on everyone else’s mug, and any germs that are there are spread to other cups. The hot water in the sink is simply not hot enough to thoroughly clean out the mugs and other dishes. Now, you may have perfect hygiene habits when you visit the bathroom, but others may not be as fastidious. If you cast your mind back to the last time you visited a public bathroom, you can probably remember some visitor that didn’t wash their hands afterward. This may be the case with some of your coworkers and employees, resulting in a spread of fecal matter and other germs.
What Can You Do?
Neglecting to wash a coffee mug will still attract germs, so that is not a solution. You could switch to an antibacterial washing detergent for the break room, but that doesn’t prevent people from borrowing or touching your mug. The best solution is to actually do away with the coffee mug altogether and instead use plastic water cups instead. Many of these are designed to be used for cold water and hot beverages. After they have been used, they can be easily disposed off, and the threat of infection is removed.
If you’re in the market for a water cooler for home or office use, contact us. Here at Aussie Natural, we offer a large selection of high quality water products available, including plastic cups for water coolers. We offer delivery direct to your property and continuing support for rental equipment. Our sales team is standing by to discuss your needs in greater detail and to answer any remaining questions you may have.